Tres Dias Arizona

Welcome to Tres Dias of Central Arizona

Spring Weekend details below, check The Weekend Page for more info

Men's and Women's 2025 Spring Weekends

Spring 2025 Men's #45 Weekend

Rector: Eric Dreos
Dates: April 3-6, 2025
Theme: The Lord never leaves us nor forsakes us, He is trustworthy
Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6
Song: Trust in God by Elevate Worship
Colors: Purple, Cherry Red, White and Dark Sky Blue
Team Sign-up: Click Here
Prayer Vigil: Click here

Spring 2025 Women's #45 Weekend

Rectora: Rhonda Kaiser
Dates: April 10-13, 2025
Theme: New Beginnings
Scripture: Isaiah 43:19
Song: Let it Begin by Big Daddy Weave
Colors: Dark Blue, Lavender, and Teal
Team Sign-up: Click here
Prayer Vigil: Click here



TDCA does not have team fees, sponsorship fees, and pilgrim fees and is now 100% donation-based funding. Download this information as a pdf file to print.

Here is some information for you to consider:

  • We eliminated the barriers to serving due to financial constraints.
  • Treat TDCA as the ministry it is, rather than just seeing it as weekends.


  • Allows everyone in the TDCA community to participate in the weekend by donating to the community even if they are not serving.
  • All donations become tax deductible.
  • We are "paying it forward" to those attending after us or in place of us.
  • Change the mindset from "I have to pay" to "I get to give."

The Details:

It costs TDCA approximately $230 per person for the weekend. If you want to pay it forward:

------- $230 divided by 12 = $19.17 - round up to $20 a month.

------- $460 divided by 12 = $38.33 - round up to $40 a month.

------- A couple serving twice a year is $920 divided by 12 = $76.67, maybe round up to $80.

  • Consider the amount you used to pay for team fees - $230 for one weekend serving and $460 for two people or two weekends.
  • You can donate based on these amounts OR
  • Divide the amount by 12 (for the number of months in a year) and donate on a recurring basis.
  • Set up an account on
  • Set up a one-time donation or a recurring amount to be pulled from your debit/credit card or your bank account on a routine basis.
  • Or, start a TDCA jar and add it to it every week instead of stopping at Starbucks or McDonalds.
  • For those who would like to bless or pay it forward to TDCA and prefer to pay by credit card, cash, or check, those options are still available. They can be paid to the TDCA treasurer or their appointee at the team meetings or mailed to TDCA TREASURER C/O Fern Shaw, 1220 W Wahalla Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85027.

Paying It Forward… Consider:

  • $25/month as Faith - take a step in faith to give.
  • $50/month as Hope - provide hope to others attending.
  • $100/month as Love - show the love of Christ by paying it forward.

Monthly Pledge Levels:

  • This is a ministry, and God is changing lives through us - CHA (Christ's Hands in Action).
  • Just because you are no longer required to pay team fees does not mean your financial support is not needed. Each of you is important to the success of TDCA, and it continuing to be around for many years by donating your normal team fee and/or pledging.
  • Remember how you felt on Sunday afternoon of your pilgrim weekend? Remember the changes you have made in your life due to TDCA? Let's pay that forward to the coming pilgrims by allowing them to attend with no financial barriers.
  • There are no refunds if you drop from the team. This donation allows your generosity to pay it forward for someone else.

God bless you! Thank you for being an essential part of this TDCA community and your willingness to not only serve but also pay it forward for others.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me directly, and I would be happy to discuss them with you.

Fern Shaw
TDCA Treasurer

Go to TDCA


The Tres Dias movement endeavors to bring Christians to a closer, more personal walk with their Lord Jesus Christ, and to encourage them to Christian leadership and apostolic action in their environment.

Pilgrim Applications

The Pilgrim and Sponsor application forms are now digital and online, to make it easier to fill out and process the forms.  Below are links to the forms:

Pilgrim Application

Sponsor Application

Note that a separate Sponsor Application must be filled out for each Pilgrim you are sponsoring. 

Note also that you must take the Sponsorship Training course before your Pilgrim Application will be accepted.

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contact, Jasmine Lugo.

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of Belief


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